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EVERYBODY DESERVES A JOYFUL AND HEALTHY LIFE In 1931 biochemist Otto Warburg won The Nobel Prize for proving that cancer cells cannot multiply in an oxygenated body. “An alkaline body absorbs and circulates oxygen easily”.

ALKALINE LIVING is a simple, safe, and effective way to cure sickness and to stay vital and healthy. It’s holistic, ancient wisdom – and it’s scientifically proven. It makes you feel good, and it slows down the aging process. The key is to restore and maintain a proper alkaline-acid balance in your body through diet, training, and mental attitude. And it’s pretty easy to do it!
So why struggle with fatigue, stress, stomach problems and other everyday challenges?
Why not go for well-being, health, and happiness – just by following some simple advice on diet, exercise and mental balance.
The book gives you a number of options to put together your own personal and balanced lifestyle.

EAT – CHOOSE YOUR DIET: You get delicious basic recipes that nourish your body and calm your mind. Furthermore, it reduces your craving for sugar and junk food. An overview of food products that tells you what creates alkali and acid in your body enables you to put together your own programme. MOVE – TRIM YOUR BOD: Alkaline Living gives you ways to optimize your physical strength and endurance.
The training exercises form and tighten up your muscles, giving you a beautiful posture. LOVE – EASE YOUR MIND: You get simple methods to get rid of negative emotions, experiences and beliefs that prevent you from unfolding your full potential and fulfilling your dreams.
“I have read this book and sincerely recommend it to people who would like to live a more healthy and happy life”. Dr. Claus Hancke, Specialist in general medicine and founder of the Institute for Orthomolecular Medicine.

DKK 239.20
Total due DKK 239.20

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